Saturday, May 30, 2020

Congrats to Elon Musk and SpaceX (and NASA) for getting US back into space!

[UPDATE 2-7-2025: Memo to Elon and your ignorant far-right buddies (fyi, far-left people are idiots too) - try and take a free moment from jerking each other off and stroking each other's egos and listen - if there's one thing we real Americans are good at, it's killing Nazis...and there's no amount of money that will save your sorry asses for disrespecting our WWII veterans and our freedoms they fought and died for.  Anytime you throw around Nazi signs and slogans, you're basically spitting on the graves of the brave folks in our country, and all countries, who had to fight those brainwashed fools. I suggest you remember that.

With that said, thumbs up on identifying and eliminating government waste and fraud - keep up the great work there.  

Eliminate the shady Military Industrial Complex while you're at it - I'm so sick of their control over our elected decision makers who (after having their pockets lined) then lead us into situations where we ultimately look like two-faced backstabbers, which then leads to more countries being pissed at us - which in turn, leads to more lucrative business for the Military Industrial Complex...cycle continues ad nauseam.  And we, normal everyday real Americans, end up paying the price for it while a group of douchebags, here and around the world, get super rich.  Fucking sick of it.

But anyway, knock off that disgusting Nazi bullshit - NOW!]

I gotta say it, Elon Musk inspires the hell out of me (and makes me feel like I'm wasting my life at the same time).

The manned Falcon 9/Dragon launch which took place today - which took many talented people to accomplish for sure - still needed a spark and focal point of inspiration to get started and see the journey through - and there's no other greater spark in the world right now than Elon Musk. Period.  Statues will be erected of this guy when all is said and done.  Jeff Bezos might be "richer", but Elon Musk is more "valuable" (his Paypal creation isn't my kind of thing, but what an amazing springboard that led to his current companies - the innovations coming from Tesla; Boring/Hyperloop; and SpaceX are just amazing...we all can dream - that's easy; but he makes them come true - that's hard).