October is back again for 31 whole days, and that means one thing - the internet will be chock-full of "31 Days of Horror" movie, book, etc., lists. However, since I don't have that level of dedication (this is my first blog post in over two years after all...man, I can't believe I still have a blog...but I digress), I'd like to instead share my 5 favorite YouTube channels that specialize in Tales of the Weird, the Spooky, the Unexplained, and whatever other words are used for those stories that either make your jaw drop with an incredulous "What the F--k?!" exclamation, or make your eyes roll with a "What a load of Sh-t" utterance. Either way, it's always entertaining.
What I love about these types of tales is the whole "Gather 'round the campfire folks, you won't believe the story I have to tell!" vibe...and these 5 YouTube Channels capture that vibe perfectly.