Saturday, October 1, 2022

October Spookiness - My 5 Favorite "Tales of the Weird" YouTube Channels

October is back again for 31 whole days, and that means one thing - the internet will be chock-full of "31 Days of Horror" movie, book, etc., lists.  However, since I don't have that level of dedication (this is my first blog post in over two years after, I can't believe I still have a blog...but I digress), I'd like to instead share my 5 favorite YouTube channels that specialize in Tales of the Weird, the Spooky, the Unexplained, and whatever other words are used for those stories that either make your jaw drop with an incredulous "What the F--k?!" exclamation, or make your eyes roll with a "What a load of Sh-t" utterance.  Either way, it's always entertaining.

What I love about these types of tales is the whole "Gather 'round the campfire folks, you won't believe the story I have to tell!" vibe...and these 5 YouTube Channels capture that vibe perfectly.

1. The Why Files - This is my new favorite channel for crazy tales and brain bombs.  Admittedly, a lot of the stories on this channel are ones I've already heard over the years, but the delivery of them is so entertaining, I don't mind hearing them again with a fresh coat of multimedia paint.  

However, the story that got me hooked on this channel was one I hadn't heard before, and it completely enthralled's called "Another Dimension? Time Travel Portal? A Different Planet? What's at the Bottom of Mel's Hole?" It's such a fantastic story, I instantly wanted to travel to the location just to get a look-see for myself.  Plus, this tale was apparently an old "Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell" favorite...I enjoyed that late night radio show back in the late 90's, but had never heard this particular story.

This channel also features some great short vids like "Crazy Coincidences" that blow my mind...reminds me of the old "Ripley's Believe It or Not!" which I've always loved.

2. Beyond Creepy - This is a channel I've watched for a couple years now, and it continually has stories that I've never heard of before.  That in itself is fantastic, but what really pushes these stories over the top is the combination of the background music and Narrator's voice - this dude really does have a great voice for these types of stories.  Because of that combo, every story always has that spooky late-night 'round the campfire feel.

3. Bedtime Stories - This channel is similar to Beyond Creepy in tone as this Narrator also has a great voice for the subject matter - with more stories than not that I haven't heard before.  This channel also features fantastic artwork for each story.  Get ready to be spooked before bedtime!

4. MrBallen - The guy that runs this channel knows how to tell a story - seriously, he should rent himself out to campfire gatherings where a good storyteller is needed.  This guy is a former Navy Seal as well, and it was the story "Special Forces Attacked by Unidentified Creature" that got me hooked on this channel.

One word of caution though - not every story is a fantastical paranormal tale.  There are plenty of real-life horror stories about unsolved murders and the like that will give you a case of the real-life creeps.

5. Top 5s - I thought it apropos to save this channel for number 5.  This is the first YouTube channel I remember watching that dealt with "Tales of the Weird".  It's an oldie but still a goodie!

Enjoy these channels during your October Fright Fests, or all year-round (like I do)!

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